• Understand and be grateful how great your brain.
  • Changing your mindset from negative to positive quickly.
  • Solve problems that are very heavy though.
  • Stop a bad habit (Narkobais, phobia, etc.).
  • Transform hatred into sympathy, affection, even love.
  • Able to do something you've thought impossible.
  • Being able to heal yourself without using drugs.
  • Being maghnet who can draw anything you want.
  • Cope with stress or depression that occurs within you.
  • Being creative ore, more capable of accomplishment, can reach a career, and could be the best.
  • Improve Your Memory to 1000%
  • Improve your reading power 100x faster
  • Achieve wealth and prosperity or whatever you dream.
  • Increase your faith, that there are forces outside of man that the Supreme Good, namely God Almighty
Method of studying brain / mind power rather unique. Much training was filled with illustrations such as games, magic, puzzles, short films, songs, music, the generation of emotions, meditation, affirmations, poetry readings, etc.. The aim is that learners can use the left brain and right brain in a balanced manner, accelerate the capture of the brain of the subject matter, and make participants more easily explore its memory.

  • The game, to prove the existence of the power of the mind directly. One game was held up his partner with two fingers, do further the achievement of the original can be done.
  • The songs and music, To the participants remain in a state of excited fresh, vibrant, and able to provoke the alpha waves which facilitates sticky this knowledge to the subconscious mind.
  • Short films, For the intention that the atmosphere becomes fresh and activate vision, conscious and subconscious mind.
  • Generation motivation emotion beneath the waves Alpha, a session in which participants will be brought to the alpha waves that make them will continue to be motivated to achieve their dreams even when they are out of the seminar room.
  • Affirmations, A way to do a program on the subconscious mind.
  • If time allows also used methods of poetry readings, sismulasi, and others that aim to make a lasting impression and a strong memory of the material being taught.

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