Dream Secrets and Mind Power

Today you have the privilege of being able to completely discover all dream secrets, thanks to the continuation of the research of the psychiatrist Carl Jung, who discovered the only correct method of dream interpretation, as I was able to prove with my research, using scientific discoveries from different fields that happened after his death.
I continued his arduous mission, looking for mental health while facing the dangers of absurdity and violence. Today I give you all the answers that Jung could not give to the world, continuing his path, and only disagreeing with his last conclusions.
He still ignored too much, besides discovering the right way to translate dreams.
If you have followed my articles online you certainly already know that our dreams are first of all pure psychotherapy; but after eliminating all the dangers of absurdity for the human being, the process through which he passes when translating his dreams and following the wise guidance of the unconscious mind that produces the dreams, is a process of development of his intelligence.
The scientific translation of the dream messages provides an accurate notion of the meaning of dreams and real comprehension of the guidance contained in the dream messages. This is something that everyone verifies in practice by doing what the unconscious mind shows them in their own dreams.
The dream messages are always protective, because the wise unconscious mind is always trying to help you become wiser.
As your intelligence is developed, you acquire mind power. You stop being an ignorant creature that doesn't know what could happen in the future or who cannot control his destiny. The notions you acquire about the reality where you are open a new horizon before your eyes.
When you become more intelligent, you can have everything that you desire, and your intelligence is not based on cruel rationalism, because your sensitivity is developed too. This means that you are always balanced.
The protection you have translating your dreams and following the wise directions of the unconscious mind cannot be compared to any other kind of protection you could have.
Money cannot buy health or peace and knowledge alone cannot eliminate violence or terror. Only wisdom can give you everything.
And what is wisdom? Wisdom is real superiority.
Mind power is the power given to you by the wisdom you'll acquire, as you'll be able to observe analyzing your own dreams. This will give you the ability to positively influence the reality where you are, so that you may always have positive results in all fields.
The unconscious mind will reveal to you all dream secrets, helping you understand how to translate the dream messages much better. He will show you new aspects of reality, besides showing you also how this knowledge can help you achieve all your goals. The unconscious mind shows you everything, because he is your private doctor and teacher.
You only have to study and learn the dream language, the same way you study a foreign language, in order to be able to receive all the benefits given to you by the scientific dream interpretation, which exactly translates the dream messages.
Your mind will be clear, and you'll learn how to automatically solve many problems at the same time, besides avoiding bad results and bad relationships.
You'll prepare the positive future results you desire, positively influencing everyone around you, while feeling self-confident and safe all the time.

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