Financial Fallout: The Surprising Effects of a Recession

On March 17, 2010, ScienceDaily published a story about an intriguing report investigating the connection between stock-market activity and the frequency of heart attacks. The researchers, a team from Duke University Medical Center, discovered an increased incidence of cardiac arrest in the United States between January 2008 and July 2009, precisely when the stock market showed a clear decline in the midst of a massive economic crisis. Although the scientists determined in subsequent tests that this inverse relationship wasn’t quite as pronounced as they believed initially (due to seasonal fluctuations in heart attack rates), their study remains groundbreaking in terms of its efforts to explore a rarely covered topic: the impact of economic patterns on cardiovascular events.
It may come as no surprise to some that heart attacks go up when the NASDAQ goes down—after all, a great deal of circumstantial evidence suggests that stress is associated with heart disease and early death. But your ticker isn’t the only thing those negative shifts in the ticker tape affect. As it turns out, economic strain manifests itself in all kinds of subtler ways as well.

Top Ten Traits of a Financial Ally

Transparency has been a big buzzword since Obama took office. How transparent are your personal finances to you? Is anyone accountable for them besides you? If you’re in the dark because money matters overwhelm you, it could help to get yourself a financial ally. What makes a financial ally?
10. An honest partner that keeps me on track with my financial goals.
9. The knowledge that at any stage in my life, I know I’m fully supported, and have something or someone mirroring back my financial reality.
8. A financial workout partner, who reminds me that bathing suit season is around the corner.
7. A program or schedule that reflects, “Remember your plan? Are you spending according to your plan?”
6. Feedback on a regular basis that shows me: Here’s what you earned and here’s what you spent. Now what do you want to do?

Mind Power Meditation News

Harvard professor Ellen Langer’s research transformed psychology. Now she wants it to transform you.
The Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health is housed in a former Jesuit seminary built in the 1950s, on a rise with broad views of the Berkshires. The long hallways have the institutional feel of a high school, except that everyone is speaking in respectful tones, and rolled yoga mats are everywhere, like baguettes in Doisneau’s Paris. On the walls are limited-edition photographs of lean people doing yoga in front of moss-dappled Indian shrines. At the gift shop on an early February weekend, visitors could have their tarot read, or a photographic portrait taken of their aura. And one of the featured speakers, offering a weekend-long seminar, was a senior professor at Harvard University, Ellen Langer.

Makin’ Lemonade: How to Take Control of Your Money

Sometimes good things come out of bad situations. I know you know this is true and that at some point in your life, you’ve experienced this. Likewise, there are good things that can come out of the horrible year we had financially in 2008 and into 2009.

First of all, Americans have been notorious for a lack of focus regarding savings. Most of us have been indoctrinated by advertisements from credit card companies to believe that that credit is good; you can charge your way to happiness and pay back the money owed at your leisure.

Dream Secrets and Mind Power

Today you have the privilege of being able to completely discover all dream secrets, thanks to the continuation of the research of the psychiatrist Carl Jung, who discovered the only correct method of dream interpretation, as I was able to prove with my research, using scientific discoveries from different fields that happened after his death.
I continued his arduous mission, looking for mental health while facing the dangers of absurdity and violence. Today I give you all the answers that Jung could not give to the world, continuing his path, and only disagreeing with his last conclusions.

Mind power

STOCKBRIDGE – The Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health is housed in a former Jesuit seminary built in the 1950s, on a rise with broad views of the Berkshires. The long hallways have the institutional feel of a high school, except that everyone is speaking in respectful tones, and rolled yoga mats are everywhere, like baguettes in Doisneau’s Paris.

Simple Memory 'Cheats' to Make You More Intelligent

If you want to become more intelligent you'll need to improve your memory skills.
The good news is that these skills are among the easiest to develop, with help from a few simple techniques and a bit of practice. Like everything else in this course, the more time you put into improving your memory, the better it will become.
There are entire books written specifically on the subject of improving memory, packed with methods and systems designed to make you a memory master. Our goal, however, is to help you make better use of your memory by providing you with some basic techniques that you can learn and begin to employ immediately.

10 Profound Innovations That Will Change the Future

Today's world looks increasingly like the future. Robots work factory assembly lines and fight alongside human warriors on the battlefield, while tiny computers assist in everything from driving cars to flying airplanes.
Surgeons use the latest technological tools to accomplish incredible feats, and researchers push the frontiers of medicine with bioengineering. Science fiction stories about cloning and resurrecting extinct animals look increasingly like relevant cautionary tales.

Can Imaginary Exercise Make You Fit?

Breakthrough research in the field of exercise physiology has yielded stunning revelations about the way we get fit. The big surprise, though, is not what we “have” to do, but what we might “not” have to do.

Your Brain Solves Problems While You Sleep

A growing contingent of researchers believes that our nocturnal musings are subconscious incubators capable of hatching answers to life's enigmas -- a notion sprung from sleep labs where researchers peek inside the brain at rest.

Why Set Goals?

Recently I haddinner with an old friend who had decided to relocate and get a fresh start in life. He explained he was going through some changes and was at that point in life where he was comfortable but not enthusiastic anymore. As we continued talking I asked him what his next goals were in life?

Developing Intuition

Ever have that gut feeling about something - but just don't know what that message is or where it's coming from? Well that gut feeling is really your intuition. And just what is intuition? Think of intuition as a partner - someone who only wants to help you and guide you.

When you work with your subconscious Mind Power

When you work with your subconscious Mind Power you learn how to use affirmations, visualization, and the many other techniques that will aid you in harnessing the power of your subconscious mind. It goes beyond simple positive thinking and gives you a system that you can apply everyday so that you regularly direct your subconscious mind to create the positive and rewarding life you want.

Discover the Power Within You

The possibilities available to each individual when they understand and harness the powers of their mind are unlimited. Each individual is neurologically wired for success and in discovering and fulfilling their potential they contribute to the whole of humanity.
We believe passionately in the human potential and this website is devoted to teaching you

Mind Power- Inner Psychology to Success

The term mind power and the subconscious mind power are described in many different ways. In the psychosomatic sense mind power is labeled as ability to have emotions, imagination, memory, and will; and subconscious mind power is labeled as part of the normal individual’s